
And very soulfully she sunk into her chair

Thoughts entered her mind but not like before

For this was a different kind of night

Grace was in the air

Peace drowned her being

She never saw such clarity before

For this was a very different kind of night

Nothing like ever before

She was syncing with her soul

For she was coming home

She loved herself forevermore

There were no more demons left to run from

The universe answered her prayers

For she was finally whole



My inner existence used to be a jigsaw puzzle with jagged edges, twisted and isolated pieces that didn't fit together. That was self-hate.  I used to know it very well, we were close for many many years. Now, because of my spiritual awakening, I have no idea what that would feel like.  But I knew it so very well. The most delightful of goodbyes during my human experience was precisely this inevitable farewell.