
And very soulfully she sunk into her chair

Thoughts entered her mind but not like before

For this was a different kind of night

Grace was in the air

Peace drowned her being

She never saw such clarity before

For this was a very different kind of night

Nothing like ever before

She was syncing with her soul

For she was coming home

She loved herself forevermore

There were no more demons left to run from

The universe answered her prayers

For she was finally whole



And the day arrived when she began to look in the mirror without perturbation. There were no more flaws. Her soul work had paid off. Love arose and everything changed.

Inner Demons

There is no more suppressing, avoiding or denying your existence. I am scavenging for you. I am forming craters in my heart as I gently scrape you out.  One by one, I will find you.  I will dissect you piece by piece as I drain your core.  I will draw you out and expose you to the brightest of light. I will excavate you from my being. You've held my heart and soul captive for far too long and I demand them back. Today, I evict you from this heart by looking in.

Beauty and the Beast

We are the beauty of life and our existence balances the beastly side of it's bearing.  Like the colors black and white contrast, yet compliment one another.  Beauty and beast go hand in hand.  We need to endure the beast in order to highlight and exude our resilience.  It's not that we feed off of life's treacherous endeavors but we all know that lessons make us wiser.  Therefore, the beast distributes wisdom and cultivates our strength.  Lets speak to that strength and exploit our wisdom daily.  As we collectively attend to the highest frequency of our transcendence, the universe becomes a better place.





Partial forgiveness is not enough.  Your heart is the gatekeeper to happiness and knows if there is partial pain or anguish present.  You need to fully forgive if you want to cultivate genuine love in your heart towards yourself and others.  If you cannot find this mercy, you haven't forgiven yourself nor made peace with the past.  Choose to fully love yourself and practice empathy because you deserve happiness and a life of abundant love.  Those who hurt you deserve love, compassion and are worthy of empathy.  We know not what they have been through or what their story is, nor the emotional battles they face.  Keep in mind that everyone interprets information based on their own experiences. Therefore, we empathize with that reality within our own consciousness when facing situations.   With this revelation, we do not devalue the situation itself, but we can choose to uproot and release the anger, pain and shame the situation inflicted upon us. Holding on to the negative and oppressive emotions will only create a blockage in our quest for self-love, inner peace, and transparent self-awareness. Whatever is plaguing your heart, you have to let it go.  Reinforce the behavior of forgiveness with compassion as you approach every situation.  The situations that you greet with empathy and compassion, whether from the past or present, will assist in manifesting inward gratitude.  You are not the victim of your past experiences, this mindset will only deflect you from your personal growth. Rather, you are the product of the collective lessons that have contributed to your spiritual growth and the love and compassion you choose to inject into your scars.  The more we practice this system of awareness, the more positive energy we secrete and more light and gratitude will be radiated into the world and ourselves.


Like the spirit of a fierce lioness, the female heart is robust and audacious.  With a bold ability to engage and confront obstacles, we rise triumphantly.  We have the capacity to endure pain, process it, let it pass through and advance graciously.  We see negativity and yes, at times, we feed in but our strong principles remain ascendant and bring us back to our true nature.  We take these lessons and elevate our consciousness.   We wear our scars like crowns. For us, there is no other way than to transform and persist onward. We accelerate forward and advance into our pursuit of bliss.  And despite all of the adversity we've repeatedly encountered, we maintain our innate ability to love and nurture.  We are a celestial phenomenon.


Self discovery is beautiful

Something beautiful is happening inside of you.  You are beginning to question your truth.  You are accepting your story.  You are letting go of this mythical perception of yourself.  You question your purpose, what fulfills you, what injects passion into your soul and ultimately, what sets your inner beauty ablaze.  You are discovering what ignites your inner bliss.  These revelations transcend outward and you begin to exude a sensual aura.  You are blossoming, the universe has been expecting you. During this process, listen to your intuition, it constructs the illustration of what you want.  Follow your heart, it directs your path.  Keep in mind that fear, ushers you into comfort zones and brilliance rarely debuts there.

Courage to Awaken

To look inside yourself and stir the pot is one of the bravest things you will ever do.  You awaken oppressed dreadful emotions that have unconsciously controlled your behavior for far too long. Initially, these intensely uncomfortable feelings seem overwhelmingly malignant and bring you down.  But in processing them and accepting them, you consequently release them. Imagine going through your whole life carrying this dreadful dead weight.  What a sad and unnecessary burden! As natural as a snake sheds dead skin, we, similarly should practice shedding our dense emotional weight.

So, get out of your comfort zone and face this inner truth head on.  This is subconscious liberation. You are no longer running or avoiding.   You are reflecting.  You are processing.  You are releasing. Therefore, you are brave.

Don't Underestimate Your Potential

Your potential is real and viable.  Too many times we tend to tell ourselves, "but, what if". Well, what if we told ourselves something different moving forward? How about, "give it your best and hope for the best" or "you got this". Our brain has been on self-doubt auto pilot for much too long.  We are conditioned from a young age to fear the unknown and to be complacent. Complacency is okay for some people.  But you are reading this because you want more and realistically, you are capable of more.  A great way to start shaping this type of mentality is by starting and ending your day with self affirmations.  Tell yourself, with conviction, that you are: bright, capable, smart, driven, confident, relevant, etc. Whatever you struggle with, self affirm the opposite of that.  Without getting too scientific, this practice will direct your brain activity to create new neural pathways which will overlap the insecurity pathway that exists.  Think of it as sort of a detour in your brain, leading to the same lobe where the insecurity exists.  But you are now sending positive affirmation signals instead of all the garbage we've been conditioned to send. This is a long term practice.  You will begin to notice how you gradually begin to speak to your strengths.  We need to unlearn all the negative self talk we've been taught and nurture our cerebral wellness.  Just as we would nurse a wound on our flesh, our brain also needs curative attention.