Vibe High

Self-care is the medicine.

Self-love illuminates the path to self-transcendence.

So, let go of that which weighs you down and amplify your character strengths.

Highlight your world and raise the collective consciousness around you with kindness.

Most importantly, surrender to the universe, dance with your soul and begin to sync with

who you were meant to be.


And very soulfully she sunk into her chair

Thoughts entered her mind but not like before

For this was a different kind of night

Grace was in the air

Peace drowned her being

She never saw such clarity before

For this was a very different kind of night

Nothing like ever before

She was syncing with her soul

For she was coming home

She loved herself forevermore

There were no more demons left to run from

The universe answered her prayers

For she was finally whole



My inner existence used to be a jigsaw puzzle with jagged edges, twisted and isolated pieces that didn't fit together. That was self-hate.  I used to know it very well, we were close for many many years. Now, because of my spiritual awakening, I have no idea what that would feel like.  But I knew it so very well. The most delightful of goodbyes during my human experience was precisely this inevitable farewell.


Inner Demons

There is no more suppressing, avoiding or denying your existence. I am scavenging for you. I am forming craters in my heart as I gently scrape you out.  One by one, I will find you.  I will dissect you piece by piece as I drain your core.  I will draw you out and expose you to the brightest of light. I will excavate you from my being. You've held my heart and soul captive for far too long and I demand them back. Today, I evict you from this heart by looking in.


Fear does not contribute to your growth, it limits you.  Be aware that it is present but don't let it define your actions.

Beauty and the Beast

We are the beauty of life and our existence balances the beastly side of it's bearing.  Like the colors black and white contrast, yet compliment one another.  Beauty and beast go hand in hand.  We need to endure the beast in order to highlight and exude our resilience.  It's not that we feed off of life's treacherous endeavors but we all know that lessons make us wiser.  Therefore, the beast distributes wisdom and cultivates our strength.  Lets speak to that strength and exploit our wisdom daily.  As we collectively attend to the highest frequency of our transcendence, the universe becomes a better place.





Partial forgiveness is not enough.  Your heart is the gatekeeper to happiness and knows if there is partial pain or anguish present.  You need to fully forgive if you want to cultivate genuine love in your heart towards yourself and others.  If you cannot find this mercy, you haven't forgiven yourself nor made peace with the past.  Choose to fully love yourself and practice empathy because you deserve happiness and a life of abundant love.  Those who hurt you deserve love, compassion and are worthy of empathy.  We know not what they have been through or what their story is, nor the emotional battles they face.  Keep in mind that everyone interprets information based on their own experiences. Therefore, we empathize with that reality within our own consciousness when facing situations.   With this revelation, we do not devalue the situation itself, but we can choose to uproot and release the anger, pain and shame the situation inflicted upon us. Holding on to the negative and oppressive emotions will only create a blockage in our quest for self-love, inner peace, and transparent self-awareness. Whatever is plaguing your heart, you have to let it go.  Reinforce the behavior of forgiveness with compassion as you approach every situation.  The situations that you greet with empathy and compassion, whether from the past or present, will assist in manifesting inward gratitude.  You are not the victim of your past experiences, this mindset will only deflect you from your personal growth. Rather, you are the product of the collective lessons that have contributed to your spiritual growth and the love and compassion you choose to inject into your scars.  The more we practice this system of awareness, the more positive energy we secrete and more light and gratitude will be radiated into the world and ourselves.


Like the spirit of a fierce lioness, the female heart is robust and audacious.  With a bold ability to engage and confront obstacles, we rise triumphantly.  We have the capacity to endure pain, process it, let it pass through and advance graciously.  We see negativity and yes, at times, we feed in but our strong principles remain ascendant and bring us back to our true nature.  We take these lessons and elevate our consciousness.   We wear our scars like crowns. For us, there is no other way than to transform and persist onward. We accelerate forward and advance into our pursuit of bliss.  And despite all of the adversity we've repeatedly encountered, we maintain our innate ability to love and nurture.  We are a celestial phenomenon.


Recurring Thoughts

To control your thoughts, you need to discern what they are trying to express.  Process the emotions they are trying to convey.  Don't fight them and let yourself feel.  Allow them to pass through. But in the process, evaluate, register and accept the concept in question. Accept the situation at face value and assess it objectively.  Your thoughts stem from an internal disposition.  Whether it's a breakup, substance or situation, explore the source and dissect it.  Sometimes you have to remind yourself of how this concept has affected, helped, hurt or improved you. Thoughts are important and relevant.  But remember to carry your logic too.  Always uphold your integrity and self-worth when evaluating.  Writing is a great way to physically manifest the idea of releasing these thoughts and provides relief.  Write as much as you want, when you want and everything about this concept.  The idea is to get it processed and discharged.  Once you've done this you should have some clarity as to what direction to take, or perhaps with releasing it, you've let it go.

The universe and it's messengers

The messages from the universe are everywhere, you just need to pay close attention. The universe conspires to send you what you ask for.  We are living beings, just as plants, trees and animals, we are all made up of cells. Our thoughts or cellular energy we release into the universe attract that into our physical life.  This is the law of attraction. Often times, we miss the signs because we do not pay attention. Everything and everyone you come across serves a purpose.  Be an effective listener and observer.  The universe has postured these exchanges in your life to make a meaningful impact and aid in manifesting your inner desires or perhaps unearth brilliance.

I'll give you an example.  For the last several months, I have been sorting through my inner truth.  I came to the realization that we all have a story and it's important to let other women know that they are not alone.  That we all struggle with emotional turmoil, we need to accept it, embrace it and release it.  I thought to myself how can I reach women and provide empowerment and inspiration through my story.  I started writing my ideas down and thought of starting a women's empowerment group.  The thought lingered for weeks but I kept doubting the idea with "how's" and "what ifs." A few weeks ago, I received a random FB invite for a screening of a film. Typically, I don't acknowledge invites unless it is from a close friend or relative because I get a lot of random event invites from people I don't really know or rarely interact with. I would've generally dismissed it but the title caught my attention, it was called "Goddess Project." I looked up the trailer and was floored that the film was aligned with my women's empowerment concept.  On top of that, the screening was taking place on a night I did not have class (I never skip class), there was no way I was going to miss it. The film's basis was about women's empowerment through sharing of our stories, it was absolutely riveting to know that my abstract idea was manifested in this film!  I have included the link to the film's website below, I implore you to please check it out.  Around this time, I was asking the universe to give me a sign of what else I needed to be doing.  I knew the empowerment group was in the right path but I felt as though I was missing a piece of infrastructure.  About a week after seeing the film, someone I recently met took the time to highlight the sense of brilliance, spiritualism and uniqueness they observed in me, essentially they told me I was a nerd (LOL).  But the conversation sparked a philosophical engine that was sort of on idle. I interpreted all of these events as synchronicity. It was almost magical.  From that point on, I couldn't stop writing, the ideas for blogs keep coming.

This was the universe's way of telling me that I needed to get this women's empowerment concept in motion.  The subtle inclination towards writing my ideas down.  The idea for an empowerment group (which I still intend on doing). The women's empowerment film I saw from that random FB invite that happened to be on a non-school night.  The encouraging encounter which unearthed a philosophical inclination.  All of these signs compelled me to start this blog.

The universe conspires to make all these little things add up to something monumental. The relevant signs are there.  You must be inquisitive while on path to your goals.  Look around, pay attention and be observant.  Learn to interpret and apply the messages you receive to your life, to your story.  When you align these messages with your heart and intuition, you are on your way to actualizing your destiny.

The most important part is to pass along the goodness you receive from the universe. Please take the time to tell other women what you see in them.  Whether it's uniqueness, creativity, competitiveness, sincerity, brilliance or astounding character, etc. You never know when someone is on the edge of a breakthrough and those few minutes of conversation can thrust them into actualizing something that's been abstractly brewing.

Here is the link to the film: