Expansion Prayer

Dear God,

I place my life on your altar.  Teach me what I need to know to live out my life purpose. Show me how to love using your virtue while honoring my boundaries.  Teach me how to show compassion while commanding respect.  Show me how to fight in your holy way. Teach me how to share my light without diffusing my inner luminosity.  Your divine will is at my fingertips, I can feel your presence in my heart.  Show me how to share it.  My heart and mind are open to your divinity. May your love move through me and into my bloodstream, let my skin absorb you and through my pores exude you.



And very soulfully she sunk into her chair

Thoughts entered her mind but not like before

For this was a different kind of night

Grace was in the air

Peace drowned her being

She never saw such clarity before

For this was a very different kind of night

Nothing like ever before

She was syncing with her soul

For she was coming home

She loved herself forevermore

There were no more demons left to run from

The universe answered her prayers

For she was finally whole



Ignite a fire in my eyes.

Carry it through my mind with your words.

Penetrate my soul with your captivating energy.

Communicate with my heart through your eurhythmic sincerity.

My Dear Girl...

Your scars are merely just beautiful bruises, they don't circulate the blood in your veins.  Do not allow them to shape your behavior nor consume your being. Beneath those scars lies a light. Keep digging and let it shine.


Your Kind Heart

Beauty and the Beast

We are the beauty of life and our existence balances the beastly side of it's bearing.  Like the colors black and white contrast, yet compliment one another.  Beauty and beast go hand in hand.  We need to endure the beast in order to highlight and exude our resilience.  It's not that we feed off of life's treacherous endeavors but we all know that lessons make us wiser.  Therefore, the beast distributes wisdom and cultivates our strength.  Lets speak to that strength and exploit our wisdom daily.  As we collectively attend to the highest frequency of our transcendence, the universe becomes a better place.




Recurring Thoughts

To control your thoughts, you need to discern what they are trying to express.  Process the emotions they are trying to convey.  Don't fight them and let yourself feel.  Allow them to pass through. But in the process, evaluate, register and accept the concept in question. Accept the situation at face value and assess it objectively.  Your thoughts stem from an internal disposition.  Whether it's a breakup, substance or situation, explore the source and dissect it.  Sometimes you have to remind yourself of how this concept has affected, helped, hurt or improved you. Thoughts are important and relevant.  But remember to carry your logic too.  Always uphold your integrity and self-worth when evaluating.  Writing is a great way to physically manifest the idea of releasing these thoughts and provides relief.  Write as much as you want, when you want and everything about this concept.  The idea is to get it processed and discharged.  Once you've done this you should have some clarity as to what direction to take, or perhaps with releasing it, you've let it go.

Self discovery is beautiful

Something beautiful is happening inside of you.  You are beginning to question your truth.  You are accepting your story.  You are letting go of this mythical perception of yourself.  You question your purpose, what fulfills you, what injects passion into your soul and ultimately, what sets your inner beauty ablaze.  You are discovering what ignites your inner bliss.  These revelations transcend outward and you begin to exude a sensual aura.  You are blossoming, the universe has been expecting you. During this process, listen to your intuition, it constructs the illustration of what you want.  Follow your heart, it directs your path.  Keep in mind that fear, ushers you into comfort zones and brilliance rarely debuts there.

Courage to Awaken

To look inside yourself and stir the pot is one of the bravest things you will ever do.  You awaken oppressed dreadful emotions that have unconsciously controlled your behavior for far too long. Initially, these intensely uncomfortable feelings seem overwhelmingly malignant and bring you down.  But in processing them and accepting them, you consequently release them. Imagine going through your whole life carrying this dreadful dead weight.  What a sad and unnecessary burden! As natural as a snake sheds dead skin, we, similarly should practice shedding our dense emotional weight.

So, get out of your comfort zone and face this inner truth head on.  This is subconscious liberation. You are no longer running or avoiding.   You are reflecting.  You are processing.  You are releasing. Therefore, you are brave.

Perception & Vibes

Trust your feelings of discomfort.  You know what feels right and what feels off.  If something feels off, don't lean towards it anymore.  Don't make an announcement about it unless it's something that engulfs your life and you're sure you need out.  If it's a friendship or casual relationship, just gradually distance yourself.  As humans, we are perceptive beings, we know when a relationship isn't uplifting.  Quite frankly, life is much too short to exhaust energy on cumbersome vibes.  Do keep in mind that you are deserving of surrounding yourself with positively genuine energy.  Use your best judgement and diplomatically distance yourself from unfavorable vibes.

Objectively Engaging

When we learn to recognize that other people's actions have nothing to do with us and everything to do with their internal disarray, the less we will feed into the antagonism.  The least attractive fighting fire with fire becomes.  We will have no desire to engage in the battle of the egos.  The more we master this objective frame of mind, the more liberated we will consciously be.  We will confidently enter into conversations with an unbiased mindset ready to actively listen.  We become more mindful of the manner in which we convey our point so as to influence commonality.  Ultimately, absolutely no one will be able to control our mood.  Keep in mind that your inner peace is much too precious to expend on situations that are postured around negativity.