Spiritual Cardio

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who has gone to war with her inner demons and chose to rise again by rewriting her story.

Spiritual Cardio


Spiritual Cardio™ is a 10-week group coaching program designed to interrogate our inner demons to set them free in a safe space where we can be vulnerable and raw.


There is so much beauty in our hearts. We just have to allow ourselves to experience it by sifting through our emotional mud and treading the current that is trying to keep us from finding our higher selves.


Every practice in this program is an act of surrender, self-love,  and a peace offering to our story.

What's included in Spiritual Cardio

  • 10 weeks of live video sessions via Zoom (approximately 90 minutes each) led by Valerie.
  • 10 weeks of thought-provoking lessons that teach you how to practice spirituality.
  • Compelling spiritual practices that release energetic blocks and help you stop masking pain by making peace with your inner truth.
  • An empowering roadmap that teaches you how to become the archeologist of your story to promote self-awareness and cultivate self-love on a spiritual level.
  • Collective healing as we share powerful stories of our individual life paths in a sacred space where vulnerability is celebrated.
  • Rise from learned helplessness and victimhood mentality by discovering acceptance and releasing resistance to your past.
  • An opportunity to reframe your story and turn your pain into divine power.
  • A toolbox to TRANSFORM your life.

Your Healing Journey Begins Now

10 Week Group 
Spiritual Cardio™


10 Week Private 
Spiritual Cardio™


1 Hour Session


Program Details

The gift of inner healing is possible. No one can do the work for you but God's grace and strength will guide you through it, and together, we embark on a spiritual journey toward our higher selves. There is sacred power in sharing our stories in a safe space where we can be vulnerable and raw. We will laugh and we will cry together as we unpack and make peace with the things we try to avoid. 

In this 10-week program, there will be inner work practices to complete and everyone will be invited to share their reflection about the impact the practice had on them. The practices will involve work around self-inquiry, journaling, acceptance, speaking your truth, forgiveness, and spirituality. 

In doing this work, I realized I was not the victim of my past experiences but rather the product of collective lessons that contributed to my spiritual growth. I learned how to manifest inward gratitude and compassion. 

Ultimately, I found within me the capacity to love myself unconditionally, and I want to pass all of this transformational wisdom to you. You may want to have a journal handy to take notes. After all, your heart deserves your active participation. 

Group Coaching: We meet via Zoom for approximately 90 minutes. See the registration page for all upcoming sessions ($500 investment).

Private coaching: In addition to the 10-week program, you will have a customized schedule and unlimited texts and phone calls between each session throughout the program ($1500 investment).

 **Scholarships are available for those who cannot cover the cost of the group program. Please email me via the contact form for information.**


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Spiritual Cardio™ is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease and is not intended to substitute the advice and treatment of a licensed professional. The practices discussed in this group are specifically for addressing underlying spiritual issues and how to transcend them. Here, we often discuss disturbing issues which may be triggering. If you are struggling with a serious mental illness and/or suicidal ideation, this program is not a fit.

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