Although I am a newbie to sobriety, I'm feeling proud of myself. I'm actually living this sober life thing. I am confronting the world without numbing. All of my insecurities are being challenged every single time I look in the mirror and every time I step into the world without depending on alcohol to dilute my perception of what I see and feel. I've become a warrior of faith. I am grateful that I have a second chance at experiencing life without being numb and disconnected from my true self. Many of you may not know my story, but I was suffering, I was retreating into oblivion by drinking. And now, I've been liberated because I chose to go inward and deal with pain, and fight it, and interrogate it until it lost its power over me. It's freedom from emotional chains and rising out of existing on my knees. I don't have have a perfect life but I am now authentically living. And for that, I am deeply grateful. To no longer feel the need to drink, is a miracle and a blessing. #ILoveSobriety